Do you have someone on your gift list that likes CBD and loves to take baths? Relaxing in a hot bath with Pure CBD helps free the mind from...
People turn to CBD because of all of its benefits. It has been used for a myriad of applications such as relieving symptoms of mental disorders, providing relief...
Arnica has an incredible history as a palliative remedy. For generations, it has aided those with aches and pains. Arnica montana (scientific name)...
Magnesium has many beneficial properties like relieving muscle soreness, reducing aches and pains, and helping you achieve a more restorative sleep. Magnesium even increases the efficiency of white blood...
2020 has been a challenging year, to put things lightly. COVID-19 spread through the world like wildfire affecting every single person’s daily life. This new normal has brought on...
We believe the power of the bath is more than relaxing, and it's certainly about more than getting clean. Baths are an essential part of well-being.
Coconut oil is comprised of a unique combination of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), as well as other fatty acids such as Linoleic acid, which makes it useful in treating...
Most people don’t realize the beauty of salt. At Enfusia we don’t add any colorants to our soaks, so using various salts is the natural way to add color...
For centuries clay has been a fundamental part of beauty regimens. Clays have tremendous benefits for the skin and are full of trace minerals. Kaolin clay is perfect for...
The topical application of arnica oil is common for inflammatory conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and even acne. The monounsaturated fats found in this oil, along with thymohydroquinone,...
Its cooling affects on the skin are desirable after long workouts, hot days or if simply we aren’t feeling our best.
Lavender helps you relax, calm the senses, and gives you a tranquility. I'd like to encourage you to fall in love with lavender!